
unSurvey lets you create personalized conversational agents to gather and analyze information at scale

Added on May 22, 2024

Unsurvey: AI-Powered Insights from Open-Ended Feedback

Unsurvey Introduction

Unsurvey is an AI-powered platform designed to help businesses gain deeper insights from open-ended customer feedback. Instead of relying solely on traditional surveys with limited answer choices, Unsurvey allows companies to analyze qualitative data from sources like reviews, social media comments, and open-ended survey responses to understand customer sentiment and identify key themes.

Unsurvey Features

  • AI-Powered Analysis: Automatically analyzes unstructured text data to identify trends, patterns, and sentiment.
  • Topic Clustering: Groups similar feedback into thematic clusters, revealing common issues and customer concerns.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Determines the emotional tone behind customer feedback, whether positive, negative, or neutral.
  • Data Visualization: Presents insights through easy-to-understand charts, graphs, and dashboards.
  • Integrations: Connects with popular data sources like SurveyMonkey, Intercom, and Slack.

Unsurvey Advantages

  • Deeper Customer Understanding: Goes beyond basic metrics to reveal the "why" behind customer feedback.
  • Faster Insights: Automates time-consuming analysis tasks, delivering insights more quickly.
  • Improved Decision Making: Provides actionable insights to inform product development, customer service, and marketing strategies.
  • Scalability: Handles large volumes of text data, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  • Cost-Effective: Offers a more efficient and affordable alternative to manual analysis or hiring external consultants.

Unsurvey Price

Unsurvey typically offers various pricing plans tailored to different business needs and data volumes. Check their website for current pricing and potential trial options.

Unsurvey Use Cases

  • Market Research: Analyzing customer reviews and social media sentiment to understand market trends.
  • Product Development: Identifying areas for improvement and new feature requests from customer feedback.
  • Customer Service: Uncovering common customer issues and improving support strategies.
  • Marketing & Branding: Tracking brand sentiment and tailoring campaigns based on customer perceptions.
  • Human Resources: Analyzing employee feedback to improve workplace culture and engagement.

Unsurvey Frequently Asked Questions

What is Unsurvey?

Unsurvey is an AI-powered platform that analyzes open-ended text feedback from customers to reveal actionable insights. It uses natural language processing to understand sentiment, identify themes, and provide data visualizations.

How accurate is Unsurvey's AI analysis?

Unsurvey utilizes advanced NLP algorithms and machine learning models to ensure high accuracy in sentiment analysis and topic extraction. However, it's important to note that AI interpretation should always be reviewed within the context of the data.

What kind of data can I analyze with Unsurvey?

Unsurvey can analyze various forms of text data, including customer reviews, survey responses, social media comments, support tickets, and more.

Does Unsurvey integrate with my existing tools?

Yes, Unsurvey offers integrations with popular platforms like SurveyMonkey, Intercom, Slack, and more, allowing for seamless data flow.

Is my data secure with Unsurvey?

Unsurvey takes data security seriously and implements industry-standard security measures to protect customer information.

Can I export reports and visualizations from Unsurvey?

Yes, Unsurvey provides options to export reports and visualizations in various formats, making it easy to share findings with stakeholders.

Unsurvey Price and Service

For detailed information on Unsurvey's pricing plans, feature comparisons, customer support offerings, and any available free trial periods, it's recommended to visit the official Unsurvey website or contact their sales team.